Feminist Theory Website

Feminism in Ecuador


Individual Feminists:
Las Feministas:

Fabiola Cuvi Ortiz

Internet Links:

La Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (Ecuador) Area Mujeres es un programa regional de comunicación, al servicio des los movimientos de mujeres y feminista de América Latina y el Caribe; y esto website está aquí.

The Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (Ecuador) Women's Program is a regional communications initiative serving women's and feminist movements in Latin American and the Caribbean; and this website is located here.

You can reach the Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy website here.

Ud. puede accessar Voces Esenciales de las Américas: La Mujer en la Democracia here.

The Women and Gender in Latin America: Anthopology / Economics / Sociology webpage of the University of California, Berkeley, has a bibliography for Andean countries here.

Lola: Revista Feminista Internacional (International Feminist Review) is available here.

Yupi proporciona muchos eslabónes en Español para las mujeres aquí.

You can reach the United Nations' Women Watch page for Ecuador here.

Ud. puede accessar Fempress, un red de comunicación alternativa de la mujer, aquí.


      Uno de los grupos feministos de la mayor importancia en Ecuador es el Instituo Ecuatoriano de Investigaciones y Capacitacion de la Mujer (EICAIM), cuál es un Punto Focal del INSTRAW de las Naciones Unidas. Ud. puede contacter el EICAIM y la Directora, Econ. FAbiola Cuvi Ortiz, a: IECAIM, 6 de Diciembre, 2817 Y Republica, Quito, ECUADOR.


      One of the major feminist groups in Ecuador is the Ecuadorian Institute for the Research and Training of Women (EICAIM), which is a "Focal Point" of the INSTRAW of the United Nations. You can reach the IECAIM and its director, Econ. Fabiola Cuvi Ortiz, at this address: IECAIM, 6 de Diciembre, 2817 Y Republica, Quito, ECUADOR.

      Bibliography / Bibliografía

      Benner, Susan E. and Kathy S. Leonard, ed. Fire from the Andes: Short Fiction by Women from Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1998.

      Hamilton, Sarah. The Two-Headed Household: Gender and Rural Development in the Ecuadorian Andes.

      Weismantel, Mary J. Food, Gender and Poverty in the Ecuadorian Andes. Waveland Press, 1998.

Home Page

Feminist Theory Website: Feminism in Ecuador
Hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
at Virginia Tech University