Internet Links:
Ud. puede contacter Cotidiano Mujer, un grupo feministo en Uruguay, a la website aquí.
Ud. puede contacter Cotidiano Mujer, a la email aquí.
You can reach Cotidiano Mujer, a feminist group in Uruguay,
via their website here.
You can email them here.
You can access various Uruguayan webpage links here.
You can reach the Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy website here.
Ud. puede accessar Voces Esenciales de las Américas: La Mujer en la Democracia here.
Lola: Revista Feminista Internacional (International Feminist Review) is available here.
Yupi proporciona muchos eslabónes en Español para las mujeres aquí.
Ud. puede accessar Fempress, un red de comunicación alternativa de la mujer, aquí.
The Women and Gender in Latin America: Anthropology / Economics / Sociology webpage at the Univ. of California, Berkeley, has an extensive bibliography of Paises del Rio de la Plata resources here.
Bibliography / Bibliografía
Kantaris, Elia Geoffrey. The Subversive Psyche: Contemporary Women's Narrative from Argentina and Uruguay. Oxford, 1996.
Lavrin, Asunción. Women, Feminism and Social
Change in Argentine, Chile, and Uruguay, 1890-1940. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1995. [You can read
a review of this book here.]