Feminist Theory Website

Feminism in Peru


Internet Links:

You can access various Peruvian webpage links here.

You can reach the Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy website here.

Ud. puede accessar Voces Esenciales de las Américas: La Mujer en la Democracia here.

The Women and Gender in Latin America: Anthopology / Economics / Sociology webpage of the University of California, Berkeley, has a bibliography for Andean countries here.

Lola: Revista Feminista Internacional (International Feminist Review) is available here.

Yupi proporciona muchos eslabónes en Español para las mujeres aquí.

You can reach the United Nations' Women Watch page for Peru here.

LACWHN/RMSLAC is the Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, which you can reach here.

Ud. puede accessar Fempress, un red de comunicación alternativa de la mujer, aquí.


      Andreas, Carol. When Women Rebel: The Rise of Popular Feminism in Peru. Lawrence Hill and Co., 1985.

      Babb, Florence. Between Field and Cooking Pot: The Political Economy of Marketwomen in Peru. Univ. of Texas Press, 1998.

      Babb, Florence. Women and Men in Vicos, Peru: A Case of Unequal Development. Michigan Feminist Studies, 1980.

      Benner, Susan E. and Kathy S. Leonard, ed. Fire from the Andes: Short Fiction by Women from Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1998.

Home Page

Feminist Theory Website: Feminism in Peru
Hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
at Virginia Tech University