Feminist Theory Website

Feminism in Chile


Las Feministas:
Feminists on
Other Sites:

Marjorie Agosín

Isabel Allende

Other Feminists:

Ute Seibert-Cuadra

Internet Links:

You can access various Chilean webpage links here.

You can reach the Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy website here.

Ud. puede accessar Voces Esenciales de las Américas: La Mujer en la Democracia aquí.

The Women and Gender in Latin America: Anthopology / Economics / Sociology webpage of the University of California, Berkeley, has a bibliography for Andean countries here.

Lola: Revista Feminista Internacional (International Feminist Review) is available here.

Yupi proporciona muchos eslabónes en Español para las mujeres aquí.

You can reach the United Nations' Women Watch page for Chile here.

LACWHN/RMSLAC is the Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, based in Santiago, Chile, which you can reach here.

The International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC) has an webpage featuring its programs in Chile here.

      Bibliography / Bibliografía

      Agosin, Marjorie, Isabelle Allende, and Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman. Tapestries of Hope, Threads of Love: The Arpillera Movement in Chile, 1974-1994. Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1996.

      Aguila, Elena. "Vandana Shiva los Desafios de Ser Feminista y Ecologista a la Vez." Fempress No. 176 (Jun 1996): 8-9. Ud. puede leer esto articulo aquí.

      Dandavati, Annie G. The Women's Movement and the Transition to Democracy in Chile. Peter Lang Pub., 1996.

      Dore, Elizabeth, ed. Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice. Monthly Review Press, 1998.

      Erazo, Viviana. "¿Igualdad o Totalitarismo Feminista?" Fempress No. 165 (Jul 1995): 5. [Ud. puede leer esto articulo aquí.]

      Lavrin, Asunción. Women, Feminism and Social Change in Argentine, Chile, and Uruguay, 1890-1940. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1995.

      Maloof, Judy, ed. Voices of Resistance: Testimonies of Cuban and Chilean Women. Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1999.

      Portugal, Ana Marie. "IV Foro Nacional Feminista." Fempress No. 181 (Nov 1996): 13. [Ud. puede leer esto articulo aquí.]

      Rodriguez, Carmen. "Thirteen and Normal," [You can read a portion of this here.]

      Seibert-Cuadra, Ute, Mary Judy Reff, and Lene Sjorup, ed . Del Cielo a la Tierra. Una antología de teología feminista. Editorial Sello Azul.

      Sepulveda, Emma, ed. We, Chile: Personal Testimonies of the Chilean Arpilleristas. Azul Editions, 1996.

Home Page

Feminist Theory Website: Feminism in Chile
Hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
at Virginia Tech University