Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen |
Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen is the director of the Centre for Feminist Research at the University of Oslo, Norway. She was born in 1948 in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she received her Master's degree in Danish language, literature, and pscyholinguistics in 1977. Since 1993 she has been Professor of Women's Research and Gender Studies at the University of Oslo. Nielsen's research focuses on the gender construction differences between girls and boys, and comparative studies of young girls and boys in Nordic countries. From 1992-95 she was the co-editor of NORA -- Nordic Journal of Women's Studies and from 1997-99 she was a member of the main committee for "Women's Worlds 99: the 7th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women" in Troms.
Psychological gender and modernity. Co-authored with Monica Rudberg. Scandinavian University Press, 1994.
Jenters vei til rusmidler - et sosialiseringsperspektive. (Girls' roads to drug abuse.) Co-authored with Monica Rudberg. NORAS, 1990.
Historien om jenter og gutter. (The Story about girls and boys.) Co-authored with Monica Rudberg. Universitetsforlaget, 1989.
Jenteliv og likestillingsl Fre. (Girls' lives and education for gender equality.) Cappelen, 1988.
Piger og drenge i klasseoffentligheden. (Girls and boys in the public classroom.) Co-authored with Kirsten Larsen. Universitetet i Oslo, 1985.
Pige - dreng? Hvilken rolle! (Girs - Boy? What a role!) Co-authroed with Kirsten Larsen. Study book for the Danish National Broadcasting Company, 1981.
Skoledage I-II. (School Days.) Final report from Project School Language. Copenhagen, 1979.
Unge jenters hverdagsliv og kultur i Norden - en bibliografi. (The everyday life and culture of young women in the Nordic countries -- a bibliography.) Co-edited with Hedvig Ekerwald. Arbeidsnotat, 1998.
Kjinn, generasjon, identitet. (Gender, generation, identity.) SFK, Arbeidsnotat, 1996.
Feminisme sett med mannlige ryne. (Feminism seen through men's eyes.) SFK Arbeidsnotat, 1995.
Gender, modernity, postmodernity -- new perspectives on the development/ construction of gender. SFK Arbeidsnotat, 1995.
Social construction of gender in children's worlds. SFK Arbeidsnotat, 1994.
Pigeliv. (Girl's life.) Co-authored with Kirsten Larsen. Roskilde, 1982.
"'Black holes' as sites for self-constructions." in The Narrative Study Lives. (Sage Publications, at press).
"Feminisme og verdikonflikter." (Feminism and value conflicts.) in Verdikonflikter i Norden. Svein Aage Christoffersen, ed. (Lunds University Press, 1998), pp. 32-49.
"Women's studies and gender research in Norway." in Gender Equality in Tunisia and Norway. Liv Jorunn Stokke, ed. (Report fromt he seminar at FAFO, 1998), p. 9+.
"The construction of genered identity through classroom talk." Co-authored with Bronwyn Davies. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol. 3: Oral Discourse and Education. David Corson, ed. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998), pp. 125-37.
"Kjnn, kaos og kreativitet: unge jenters livsperspektiver." (Gender, chaos and creativity -- life perspectives of young women.) in Ungdom, kjnn og medier, Arbeidsnotat. M. Hleisen Wencke, ed. (Senter for kvinneforskning, 1998), pp. 85-124.
"Gender, Love and Education in three generations." in Life History, Gender and Experience: Theoretical approaches to Adult Life and Learning. Kirsten Weber, ed. (Roskilde University, 1998): 41-72.
"Feminismer og pornografi." (Feminisms and pronography.) Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift Vol. 2 (1998): 107-121.
"Sophie og Emile i klasseveërelset -- om kn og marginalitet i skolen." (Sophie and Emile in the classroom -- gender and marginality in school.) in Pedagogik -- en grundbog til et fag. J. Bjerg, ed. (Hans Retizels forlag, 1995), pp. 258-293.
"Sophie und Emile in der Schule." (Sophie and emile in school.) Evaluation und Perspektiven (1997): 95-100.
"Nye kjnn -- med og uten roller." (New genders -- with and without roles.) Kvinneforskning Vol. 20 (1996): 64-73.
"Kvinneforskning som kritisk korrektiv." (Women's studies -- a critical corrective.) Kvinneforskning vol. 19 (1995): 40-49.
"Kjrnn som irritasjonsmoment i det moderne." (Gender as an irritation in the modern.) GRUS Vol. 47 (1995): 6-24.
"Gender recipes amoung young girls." Co-authored with Monica Rudberg. YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research Vol. 3 (1995): 71-88.
"Forandring som mël -- og stabilitet som premis?" (Change as goal - and stability as premise?) in Kjrnn og samfunn i endring. (Norges Forskningsrëd, 1995), pp. 375-381.
"Kjrnnet i hodet og kjrnnet i verden." (Gender in the head and gender in the world.) in Konstituering av kjrnn fra antikken til moderne tid. (Norges Forskningsrëd, 1995), pp. 128-134.
"Boys and girls from grade 1 to grade nine." in Social construction of gender in children's worlds. H.B. Nielsen, ed. (Arbeidsnotat, 1994).
"Jenter og gutter i forandring." (Girls and boys in change.) I det moderna och teknologiska -- demokratisk undervisning i framtiden. Rapporter om utbildning. (1993): 27+.
"Forfrrende tekster med alvorlige hensikter." Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Vol. 35 (1994): 190-217. English translation: "Seductive texts with serious intentions." Educational Researcher (USA) (Jan-Feb 1995).
"Den magiske blokk -- om kjrnn og identitetsforandring." Psyke and Logos Vol. 15 (1994): 30-46. English translation: "The Magic writing-pad. On gender and identity work." YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research (1996): 2-18.
"Class and gender in the classroom." Co-authored with Monica Rudberg, in Comenius (1993): 167-180.
"Whatever happened to gender? Female subjectivity and change in a generational context." Co-authored with Monica Rudberg, in Daughtering and Mothering. Janneke van Mens-Verhulst, Karlein Schreurs, and Liesbeth Woertman, ed. (Routledge, 1993), pp. 44-53.
"Nër kjrnnet kommer i skile -- pedagogisk kvinneforskning." (Gender goes to school -- Women's research in education.) Co-authored with Monica Rudberg, in Forst Delser av kjrnn. (Ad Notam, 1992), pp. 121-147.
Kjrnnsosialisering i og utenfor skolen." (Gender socialisation in and out of school.) Utkast (1987): 32+.
"Fornuft og kjërlighet." (Reason and love.) Co-authored with Monica Rudberg. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. (1987): 15+.
Krn og kontrol -- om brrns venskaber." (Gender and control -- on children's friendship.) in Barns sosiale verden. Sigurd Berentzen and Brit Berggren, ed. (Gyldendal norsk forlag, 1988), p. 27+.
"Pëdagogiske hverdagsbeskrivelser - et Forsrmt omrDde i pëdagogisk forskning." (Everyday life in the classroom -- a neglected field in educational research.) Tidsskrift for nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning. (1985): 26+.
"Kvindebev ëgelse, psyckoanalyse og kvindefrigrrelse." (Women's movement, pscyhoanalysis, and emancipation.) SPOR No. 7 (1982): 25+.
"Smë piger, srde piger, stille piger." (Small girls, sweet girls, silent girls.) Sosiologi idag No. 3-4 (1981): 31.
"Erfaring og ëreprocess." (Experience and the process of learning.) Co-authored with Kiersten Reisby, in Om undervisning. Trond Clvik, ed. (Krbenhaven, 1980), p. 17+.
"Skolen og sproget." (School and language.) Nydanske sudier No. 13 (1979): 27+.
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